Starting to Draw?: PART 5 – Train your Visual Memory


This is the fifth of my art tutorials on Starting to Draw for Absolute Beginners. In this video I am going to concentrate of the idea of training our visual memory as a means to learn to draw. The idea is to look at an object for about 10 seconds and to memorise its shapes, lines and tone – not the detail. Once you have memorised the object, you simply draw the visual image locked in your memory.

Don’t try to draw a detailed realist drawing, sketch the image quickly capturing the essence of the object. The more you do this the more you will train your visual memory. Your ideas will improve along with your drawing. Carry a sketchbook with you and train your visual memory wherever you are. If you are in an airport or in the street, look at a person, memorise them, draw the visualisation in your brain. You’ll be amazed at how much your drawing will improve with constant practice.

This arts tutorial is aimed at beginners, children, students and anyone else wanting to improve their drawing skills and learn to draw.


I’d like to thank the following patrons whose support in the making of this video is much appreciated: Richard Chapple, Ivan Gilbert Rappaport, Farida Grewal, Dale Folan, Emily Liss, Martyn Lawrence Clarke-Smith, Nicolae Opris, Vaikunthanathan, Shirley Trill, George Barnabic, Denise Trietsch, Lorinda Jones, Fred Kolowrat, Steen Sønderup, Susan Wynn

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